Neighborhood Watch

Police Division – Providence Road Section 3
Community Watch CMPD – Officer Joel Wing (
Community Watch HOA Board Member – Sally Davis (
A community watch program is the eyes and ears of a neighborhood, and helps alert residents to potential criminal activity. Through annual meetings with our local police department, community watch HOA board member, residents can get up-to-date information on recent crime activity, as well as tips on how to reduce the risk of being victimized at home.
If you have been a victim of a crime against property or person, please report the incident to the police. Non-emergency incidents can be reported to 311. Even if nothing was taken, it is important to report problems. Patrol schedules are set by frequency of incidents.
How Our Neighborhood Watch Program Works
- If you see an actual crime being committed, a suspected crime or a threatening situation, please call 911 immediately.
- If you have been a victim of a crime against property or person, please report the incident to both the police and your block captain. Non-emergency incidents can be reported to 311. Even if nothing was taken, it is important to report problems as patrol schedules are set by frequency of incidents.
- If you have a concern that impacts only your street, please contact your block captain.
- Please help us discourage solicitors by not buying items from persons walking through the neighborhood. If you have concerns about someone selling in the neighborhood, please call 911.
- If you have a concern that you think impacts the entire neighborhood or would like to know if other streets have had similar concerns or experiences, please contact our community watch coordinator, who will send out a group email, as well as ask block captains to contact residents without emails.
Homeowner Responsibility
- Make sure that your block captain has a current email address or telephone number for you. Please let your block captain know if you have any medical issues that could become life threatening if there are power outages.
- Check website for recent crime activity reports and email alerts from our community watch captain.
- Get to know your neighbors and their routines so that any out of the ordinary activity will be noticed and reported.