Become a Member
HOA dues are paid in February of each year. New residents may join at any time. Annual membership dues are $25.
Membership dues are used to fund a range of activities including:
- An active Neighborhood Crime Watch program that provides residents with crime statistics and works with CMPD to ensure our neighborhood remains safe
- Pet alerts that help to reunite missing pets with their owners
- Projects that support our neighborhood elementary, middle and high schools
- Landscaping and traffic enhancement projects that are used to beautify the area and create a safer environment for pedestrians.
- Annual neighborhood party events
Note: Only paid members receive HOA newsletters and updates on activities occurring in the area. These informational updates include information on on-going rezoning petitions, street and traffic related projects and upcoming neighborhood events. The HOA will continue to send crime watch information to all residents in the neighborhood.

Renewing Members
The Barclay Downs Homeowners Association is a member organization whose stated mission is to “promote good fellowship among neighbors, and to protect and improve the neighborhood”. Membership dues are $25 and are due in February of each year. Dues are used to fund a variety of projects that enhance residents’ quality of life, such as:
Pay With Check
$25 payment payable to BDHOA. You can send your check to the following address or pay at the annual HOA meeting in February.
Mail to:
BDHOA Treasurer
3700 Barclay Downs Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28209
Pay With Paypal
Use link provided below. Payment is $25 plus a $1.40 service charge for PayPal transactions to cover our fees.
New to Neighborhood
Please complete the form below for listing in the Barclay Downs HOA Directory and to be added to our electronic mailing list. You have the option to either pay online via Paypal or you can mail in payment. If you choose Paypal, you will then be taken to the payment page on Paypal. Once your payment is verified you will be given access to our online Directory.